Web Designing Training in Chennai
What is Web Designing?
Web Designing professional websites is not just about making beautiful pages. Its about understanding your auddience and crafting an information structure that not only meets their needs but fulfills business goals as well.
Professional website design involves a lot of interconnected tasks. To be a successful web designer or to manage a web-design project, you must understand the entire production process and the people and the people you’ll work with along the way. Are you writing two websites- one for mobile and one for larger displays? Or perhaps you’ve heard of “responsive design” but are unsure how to bring HTML5, CSS3, and responsive design together.
What are the benefits of website on demand?
some of the benefits are given below.
- Generate more leads for your business.
- Resell, Cross sell, and upsell to your existing customers easily.
- Professionally designed.
What are the features of Web Designing?
- Blog
- Google Maps
- Show Multimedia (youtube clips, podcasts, etc)
- Social Bookmarking Integration
- Community Forum
- Registered User Only Area
- Online Appointment Booking
- Newsletter Creator / Mailer
- Photo Gallery
- Events Listings / Events Calendar
- Online Store (Advanced plans)
and more!
Turn off complexity, turn on the features you need!
Web Designing Syllabus
HTML -Designing Web Applications
Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) - HTML Internationalization & Accessibility - Character Encoding & References - Document Structure - Meta Tag & Heading Elements - DIV, SPAN and ADDRESS - Text Direction - INS & DEL Tags - Lists & Items -Constructing Tables - Table Directionality - Borders & Alignment - Links & Anchors - Images & Image Maps - Floating Objects & Formatting - Fonts with Styles - Layout Design with Frame Form Control & Types - Elements & Attributes - Structuring with Fieldset - Access Key & Tab Index - Disabled & Read-Only Controls - Index of Elements - Index of Attributes
CSS(Cascading Stylesheets)
Introduction to CSS - Containment in HTML - Grouping & Inheritance - Class as Selector - ID & Contextual Selectors - Comments - Pseudo - classes & Pseudo - elements - Cascading Order - Formatting Model - List item elements - Floating & Inline elements - Notation for Property Values- Font Properties - Color& Background Properties - Text Properties - Box Properties - Classification Properties - Units & URL
Introduction to JavaScript - JavaScript in HTML - JavaScript Statement - Write & Writeln - Values & Variables - Literals & Comments - Expressions in JavaScript - Operators - Conditional Statements - Loop Statements - Object Manipulation Statements - Working with Build in Objects - Array & Boolean Objects - Math & Date Objects - String & Number Objects - Working with Build-in Function - isNaN() Function - parseInt() & parseFloat() functions - Exception Handling - Popup Boxes - JavaScript Event Handler - Timing Events - Status Bar & Roll Over - Object Model - Functions in JavaScript - Navigator - Object Hierarchy - JavaScript Reflection - Window & Frame Object - Document & Form Object - Location & History Object - Working with Windows & Frames - Working with MIME Types - Playing Sounds.
DOM (Document Object Model)
Basics of DOM - DOM Hierarchy - DOM Methods - Functions - Form Collection - Table Collections - InnerHTML - Nodes & ChildNodes - DOM with HTML & CSS. Basics of AJAX - Using XMLHTTPRequest Object - AJAX with XML - AJAX with PHP - AJAX with MYSQL - Model View Controller Architecture - SPRINKLE SOME AJAX MAJIC IN YOUR WEB APPLICATION!!


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- {I have completed B.E in stream of ECE. I joined Accord Info Matrix with the help of my friends. I studied dual course PHP and Software Testing. It's useful for me because.....
PHP and Software Tesing
- {I am so happy that i was placed in a MNC Company ( NINE STAR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES) as JavaScript Developer. I must thank my placement officer for giving.....
- {I joined Accord and i enrolled for .net and PHP courses. The way of teaching technical and both non technical was good. There is a lot of system that we can use it and.....
PHP and .NET
- {I joined in PHP Course at ACCORD. I am a 2013 Passout and in my search of job I couldn't find a job. Some of my well wishers referred Accord Info Matrix to do a course. It stepped into Accord.....
- {I had done PHP Course in Accord. I came here for placement. They support me for placement. PHP Staff teach PHP course for me. They trained me well in both PHP language and placement.....