PHP Training in Chennai
Rich Internet Application (RIA)
Accord Soft Offers Best RIA Training in Chennai. We offer Internships in Real-Life Business Applications of our clients. Students are given Practical Training in the below mentioned syllabus. The syllabus can be customized according to individual needs.
Introduction to Open Source Software - Open Source Vs Closed Source Applications - Introduction to the LAMP (Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP) software bundle.
HTML - Designing Web Applications
Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) - HTML Internationalization & Accessibility - Character Encoding & References - Document Structure - Meta Tag & Heading Elements - DIV, SPAN and ADDRESS - Text Direction - INS & DEL Tags - Lists & Items -Constructing Tables - Table Directionality - Borders & Alignment - Links & Anchors - Images & Image Maps - Floating Objects & Formatting - Fonts with Styles - Layout Design with Frame Form Control & Types - Elements & Attributes - Structuring with Fieldset - Access Key & Tab Index - Disabled & Read-Only Controls - Index of Elements - Index of AttributesCSS(Cascading Stylesheets)
Introduction to CSS - Containment in HTML - Grouping & Inheritance - Class as Selector - ID & Contextual Selectors - Comments - Pseudo - classes & Pseudo - elements - Cascading Order - Formatting Model - List item elements - Floating & Inline elements - Notation for Property Values- Font Properties - Color& Background Properties - Text Properties - Box Properties - Classification Properties - Units & URLJavascript
Introduction to JavaScript - JavaScript in HTML - JavaScript Statement - Write &Writeln - Values & Variables - Literals & Comments - Expressions in JavaScript - Operators - Conditional Statements - Loop Statements - Object Manipulation Statements - Working with Build in Objects - Array & Boolean Objects - Math & Date Objects - String & Number Objects - Working with Build-in Function - isNaN() Function - parseInt() &parseFloat() functions - Exception Handling - Popup Boxes - JavaScript Event Handler - Timing Events - Status Bar & Roll Over - Object Model - Functions in JavaScript - Navigator - Object Hierarchy - JavaScript Reflection - Window & Frame Object - Document & Form Object - Location & History Object - Working with Windows & Frames - Working with MIME Types - Playing Sounds.
DOM (Document Object Model)
Basics of DOM - DOM Hierarchy - DOM Methods - Functions - Form Collection - Table Collections - InnerHTML - Nodes &ChildNodes - DOM with HTML & CSS. Basics of AJAX - Using XMLHTTPRequest Object - AJAX with XML - AJAX with PHP - AJAX with MYSQL - Model View Controller Architecture - SPRINKLE SOME AJAX MAJIC IN YOUR WEB APPLICATION!!
PHP (Hypertext Pre Processor)
PHP 5 - Syntax notations and other nuances - PHP 5 Configuration Strategies - Overview of PHP internal parameters - PHP 5 configuration parameters - PHP data types -Resources in PHP - PHP 4 Vs PHP 5: Portability /Compatibility Issues - Managing Date, Time and Calendar functions - Scope of variables and functions - Dynamic FunctionCalls - Parsing Variable arguments in functions - Pre-defined PHP functions - Pre-defined PHP variables and constants - Error Logging in PHP.
Session management & Cookies: Session management & configuration - Sessions & Security - Custom session handlers - Introduction to cookies - Setting and retrieving cookies - Expiring cookies - Deleting cookies - Storing arrays in cookies
Advanced PHP functions: Uploading files - Managing HTTP authentication - Managing HTTP headers - Connection Handling - Getting IP address of visitors - Showing different content for different browsers - Packages and PEAR/PECL package repository -Serialization and UnSerialization using PHP
Classes and Objects: Introduction to OOPs - The PHP5 Object Model - PHP 4 Vs PHP 5 Object Model - Defining Classes - Instantiating Objects - Constructors & Destructors - Cloning - Using the_clone () method - Using the Identity operator - Members & Visibility - Class inheritance - self: parent: and $this - Static members - Abstract methods and Abstract classes - Final methods and Final classes - Overloading.
Advanced OOP and Design patterns in PHP 5: Singleton - Observer - Decorator - Factory pattern - Conditional functions - Object factory methods - MVC architectural pattern - Command-Dispatch pattern - Creating custom iterators.
PHP and XML: A quick overview on XML - Validating and Non - validating XML - DTD/XSD/Relax-NG Schema - Understanding Namespaces - An overview of XPath - Parsing XML in PHP - Using the SimpleXML Parser - An overview of W3C DOM
Working with Streams: Introduction to Streams - Stream Filters - Stream Contexts - Stream Errors - Predefined Stream Wrappers/Protocols - Creating custom streams
PHP Database Connectors and API: An overview on native database connectors - Database abstraction libraries - Using MYSQL Databases with PHP - MYSQL VsMYSQLi extensions - Managing MYSQL database with MYSQLi extensions - Procedural Style Vs OO-Style Semantics - Creating new database connection - Checking for mysql connection errors -Checking for mysql connection information - Executing mysql queries - Managing prepared query execution - Binding parameters and results for prepared queries - Fetching data from query result sets - Managing SQLite databases using PHP - SQLite Vs MYSQL - Database abstraction libraries - PDO::MYSQL and PDO::SQLite
Writing Secure PHP applications: Secure configuration of PHP - PHP Safe Mode settings and their implications on PHP functions - Input validation and Filtering technique - Understanding common attacks/exploits on PHP based websites - XSS attack - Cross-site request forgery - SQL injection attack - DoS attack - Session fixation/hijacking - Using cryptographic functions/API for storing sensitive information - Using Captcha code or other techniques to avoid SPAM-bot attacks - Maintainability, Security Vs Performance
Performance/Scaling of PHP applications: Scale-up Vs Scale-out architecture - Performance: Identifying bottlenecks and kludges - Re-factoring Design: Tips & Techniques - Load-balanced/Cluster-aware applications - Profiling your PHP application - Code re-factoring: using the right functions/API for your task - De-coupling Modules - Scalable architecture: Design/Development Techniques.
Database Management System MySQL
Database Management System - Introduction to MYSQL - Enterprise Server Editions of MYSQL - Enterprise Features of MySQL - Enterprise Server 5.1: Partitioning - Row-Based/Hybrid Replication - Event Scheduler - XPath Support - Dynamic General/Slow Query Log - Performance/Load Testing Utility - Full Text Search - Archive Engine - Under Session and Problem - SQL Identification - MYSQL Embedded Library - Additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA Objects - Faster Data Import Operations - ACID Transactions- Stored Procedures - Triggers - Views - Information Schema - Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture - Archive Storage Engine
Normalization - Writing MYSQL Based Programs - Selecting Data from Tables - Table Management - Working with Strings - Dates & Times - Sorting Query Results - Generating Summaries - Uploading Files to MYSQL Metadata - Importing & Exporting Data - Generating & Using Sequences - Using Multiple Tables - Statistical Techniques - Handling Duplicates - Performing Transactions - Using Stored Routines - Triggers & Events - Backup MYSQL Database - Introduction to MYSQL on the Web.
Linux - Operating System
Types of Operating Systems - Introduction to LINUX - Uses of Linux in Desktops - Servers - Super Computers - Mainframes - Embedded Devices - Design and User Interface - Types of Linux Available: Red Hat Linux - Turbo Linux - LASER5 Linux - Kondara MNU/Linux - Vine Linux - Slackware - Plamo Linux - Debian GNU/Linux - LILO(Linux Loader) - Linux Commands & Utilities - GNU Project Utilities - Using Bourne Again Shell(BASH) - Shell Programming - Communication Tools Under Linux - Using Motif - Open Look & Open Windows - GhostScript - GAWK - Networking in Linux.
New Features in Apache 2.2: Smart Filtering - Improved Caching - AJP Proxy - Load Balancing - Graceful Shutdown Support - Large File Support - the Event MPM - and re-factored Authentication / Authorization - Enhancements in the New Apache Server: Core Enhancements - Module Enhancements - Program Enhancements - Module Developer Changes
Apache – Web Server:
Introduction to Web Servers - Apache Web Server Architecture - Features & Uses of Apache - Installing Apache - Important Files & Folders: The httpd.conf configuration file - the htdocs folder - the images - logos - manual - cgi - bin folder - Configuring the Apache Server -Advanced HTTP Server Functionality - Handling multiple websites on the same machine through VIRTUAL HOSTING - Types of Virtual Hosts: Name-Based & IP-Based - Uses of Virtual Hosts - CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Programming - Implementation of CGI - Drawbacks & Alternatives of CGI - SSI (Server Side Includes) - Core Directives - Advanced SSI Techniques - Server Modules - Web Server Performance Tuning- Performance Tuning Issues: Hardware & Operating System Issues- Run Time Configuration Issues - Compile Time Configuration Issues - Web Accounting - Secure Web Servers.
Open Source Management Systems – JOOMLA & DRUPAL

Our PHP Training Courses

PHP Training in Chennai
Three letters that together constiture the name of one of the world’s most popular programming languages for Web development, the PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. And while you might chuckle at the geekiness of the recursive acronym, statistics indicate that...

MySQL Training
MySQL is an Open-Source relational database management system that is rapidly growing in popularity. Known for its speed, reliability, and ease of use, MySQL has proven itself to be particularly well suited both for beginners and for experienced...

Web Designing Training
Professional website design involves a lot of interconnected tasks. To be a successful web designer or to manage a web-design project, you must understand the entire production process and the people and the people you’ll work with along...

Python Training
Python is free and open-source software (FOSS), governed by the GNU General Public License (GPL) Ver2. Depending on who you talk to, you’ll hear Python called a Content Management System (CMS)...


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Student Voice
- {I have completed B.E in stream of ECE. I joined Accord Info Matrix with the help of my friends. I studied dual course PHP and Software Testing. It's useful for me because.....
PHP and Software Tesing
- {I am so happy that i was placed in a MNC Company ( NINE STAR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES) as JavaScript Developer. I must thank my placement officer for giving.....
- {I joined Accord and i enrolled for .net and PHP courses. The way of teaching technical and both non technical was good. There is a lot of system that we can use it and.....
PHP and .NET
- {I joined in PHP Course at ACCORD. I am a 2013 Passout and in my search of job I couldn't find a job. Some of my well wishers referred Accord Info Matrix to do a course. It stepped into Accord.....
- {I had done PHP Course in Accord. I came here for placement. They support me for placement. PHP Staff teach PHP course for me. They trained me well in both PHP language and placement.....