Python Training in Chennai
Introduction To Python
Installation and Working with Python Understanding Python variables Python basic Operators Understanding python blocks
Python Data Types
Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex Using string data type and string operations Defining list and list slicing Use of Tuple data type
Python Program Flow Control
Conditional blocks using if, else and elif Simple for loops in python For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries Use of while loops in python Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else Programming using Python conditional and loops block
Python Functions, Modules And Packages
Organizing python codes using functions Organizing python projects into modules Importing own module as well as external modules Understanding Packages Powerful Lamda function in python Programming using functions, modules and external packages
Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations
Building blocks of python programs Understanding string in build methods List manipulation using in build methods Dictionary manipulation Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions
Python File Operation
Reading config files in python Writing log files in python Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines() Understanding write functions, write() and writelines() Manipulating file pointer using seek Programming using file operations
Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops
Concept of class, object and instances Constructor, class attributes and destructors Real time use of class in live projects Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes Programming using Oops support
Python Regular Expression
Powerful pattern matching and searching Power of pattern searching using regex in python Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex Password, email, url validation using regular expression Pattern finding programs using regular expression
Python Database Interaction
SQL Database connection using python Creating and searching tables Reading and storing config information on database Programming using database connections
Python Multithreading
Understanding threads Forking threads Synchronizing the threads Programming using multithreading
Contacting User Through Emails Using Python
Installing smtp python module Sending email Reading from file and sending emails to all users addressing them directly for marketing
Python CGI Introduction
Writing python program for CGI applications Creating menus and accessing files Server client program
Distributed Computing.
How to write programs that utilize multiple machines. Covers some core programming concpets such as actors, client/server computing, REST, remote procedure call, and distributed objects. Includes coverage of XML-RPC and use of the multiprocessing library to implement distributed objects.
Advanced I/O handling. An examination of different I/O handling models including blocking I/O, nonblocking I/O, polling, signal-driven I/O, and asynchronous I/O.
Generators and Coroutines
A look at how to use generators and coroutines to implement a form of cooperative multitasking (sometimes referred to as tasklets, greenlets, coroutines, etc.). Topics include using generator functions to implement tasks and writing task schedulers for controlling such functions. Major parts of this section will be related the use of generators to the I/O handling models described in the previous two sections.
Sample Project

Our PHP Training Courses

PHP Training
Three letters that together constiture the name of one of the world’s most popular programming languages for Web development, the PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. And while you might chuckle at the geekiness of the recursive acronym, statistics indicate that...

MySQL Training
MySQL is an Open-Source relational database management system that is rapidly growing in popularity. Known for its speed, reliability, and ease of use, MySQL has proven itself to be particularly well suited both for beginners and for experienced...

Web Designing Training
Professional website design involves a lot of interconnected tasks. To be a successful web designer or to manage a web-design project, you must understand the entire production process and the people and the people you’ll work with along...


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- {I have completed B.E in stream of ECE. I joined Accord Info Matrix with the help of my friends. I studied dual course PHP and Software Testing. It's useful for me because.....
PHP and Software Tesing
- {I am so happy that i was placed in a MNC Company ( NINE STAR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES) as JavaScript Developer. I must thank my placement officer for giving.....
- {I joined Accord and i enrolled for .net and PHP courses. The way of teaching technical and both non technical was good. There is a lot of system that we can use it and.....
PHP and .NET
- {I joined in PHP Course at ACCORD. I am a 2013 Passout and in my search of job I couldn't find a job. Some of my well wishers referred Accord Info Matrix to do a course. It stepped into Accord.....
- {I had done PHP Course in Accord. I came here for placement. They support me for placement. PHP Staff teach PHP course for me. They trained me well in both PHP language and placement.....